The date of establishing and history: TPhI – Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute was established on 16 July in 1937 and is a famous and classical higher educational institution with almost 83 years. Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute has gained a significant reputation in pharmaceutical education in the Central Asian and CIS countries thanks to its teaching and research programs. We are proud of our Alumni, they work very successfully and have great career nowadays in occupy high posts in the State and serve as members of Parliament and local councils, research centers, pharmaceutical companies. Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute is an active participant in reforms in education and science in Uzbekistan, combining teaching and learning processes, raising the competitiveness of trained personnel, introducing advanced pedagogical technologies, maintaining and prioritizing scientific researches
The number of
faculties and departments: The number of faculties and departments: At present,
there are 3 faculties, 18 departments, 3 bachelors, 5 master’s degree programs,
4 doctoral degree (DSc) and 4 Ph.D. degree programs at Tashkent Pharmaceutical
Institute. The total number of academic staff working at the university is more
than 307, including 35 doctors of sciences (Dsc), and professors, 102
candidates of sciences, docents, PhDs, 26 independent researchers, 2 doctoral
students, and 16 Ph.D. students. Furthermore, there is a Laboratory of
pharmaco-toxicological analysis of coordination compounds and biologically
active substances at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Research Centre for
Standardization of medicinal forms.
We enroll more than 3059 students, among them 2924
are bachelor, 135 are master students. We have 41 foreign students from Russia,
Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kirgizstan, Tajikistan. About 40% of our students are
enrolled in the 1st cycle, 35% in the 2nd cycle and 25% in the 3rd.
- In accordance with the order of the State Inspectorate for Supervision of the quality of education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan issued on May, 2019, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute received the State Accreditation Certificate for 5 years for compliance with the higher education institution and postgraduate education.
- The national ranking of the universities was first announced to the public in 2018. By the end of 2018, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute holds the 16th position in the national ranking of universities in Uzbekistan.
- It ranked 11th position in terms of scientific potential.
- Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute ranked 16 th place.
- Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute is cooperating with higher educational institutions and scientific research centers from more than 20 foreign countries. This cooperation is expanding day by day.
Our prestigious international partners: Seoul National University, Changwon National University, Chungbuk National University, University of Korea, College of Pharmacy(South Korea), Nankin University, Jiangxi Chinese Traditional Medical University, Central South University, Tianjin Normal University(China), Comenius University (Bratislava), Institute of Pharmacy University of Gall-Wittenberg(Germany), Fark School of Medicine, Incarnate Ward University, Norwich University of Languages (UK), Baxcheshehr University(Turkey), Lublin Medical Academy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ukrainian National Pharmaceutical Academy, (NIPER) National Research and Pharmaceutical Institute of India, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceuticals, St. Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy, Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy, Volgograd State Medical University, V.I. Saratov State Medical University named after Razumovsky, D.I. Russian Chemical-Technological University named after Mendeleev, Samara State Medical University(Russia) and others.
Facilities of Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute for international students
- 4 educational buildings 307 classrooms
- 2 student dormitories with a capacity
- 2 sport complexes
- 10 computer rooms
- 102 educational laboratories and workshops
- 2 scientific laboratories and centers 1 museums
- Bachelor degree — 2 924
- Master degree — 135
- Number of international students — 41
- Number of doctoral students — 44
- Number of foreign students in faculties (41 students in pharmacy)
Address: 100015, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Aybek Street, Building 1
Contact information:
Telephone: +998-71-256-37-38
Fax number: +998-71-256-45-04
Website: www.pharmi.uz e-mail: info@pharmi.uz