The date of establishing and history: TCTI was founded on the basis of faculties of chemical technology and engineering technology of the Tashkent Polytechnical Institute on May 6, 1991. The history of the Institute begins with the opening of Chemical faculty at former Central Asian State University in 1929 and directly connected with the development of the building, chemical, oil-and-gas and food industries of Uzbekistan. It is a modern institute with almost 100-year history specializing in education and research activities in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automation and control of processes, Material sciences, Food chemistry, technology and safety, Biotechnology, Environmental Engineering. TCTI has been preparing thousands of specialists and highly qualified personnel for the national economy of Uzbekistan for a long time. TCTI is an active participant in reforms in education and science in Uzbekistan, combining teaching and learning processes, raising the competitiveness of trained personnel, introducing advanced pedagogical technologies, maintaining and prioritizing scientific researches.
The number of faculties and departments: At present, there are the Main Campus in Tashkent city and 3 Regional Branches in Kungrad, Shahrisabz and Yangier cities. Main Campus has 5 faculties, 26 departments, the Centre of Innovation Technology and 12 research laboratories. The Institute provides training on 24 Bachelor programs; 27 Master programs; 14 Ph.D. programs; 5 Double Degree Bachelor programs; 7 Double Degree Master programs. The total number of academic staff working at the university is more than 460, including 211 doctors of sciences (DSC), professors and PhDs, 43 independent researchers, 5 doctoral students, and 67 Ph.D. students. Furthermore, there is a Regional Center for Retraining of Teachers at the Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute and two specialized scientific councils, “Uzbekistan-China research joint laboratory on modification of asphalt technology”.
TCTI is an internationally recognized governmental institute of higher education, where fundamental training is integrated into action-oriented knowledge and skills; it combines the traditions of classical engineering training and the latest technology in education. It is the country’s main institute for educating highly skilled engineers and technologists in the field of Chemical Engineering, Food Technology, Biotechnology, Ecological Engineering.
The number of students: 4720 students are studying at 24 BSc educational directions, 482 Master students at 27 specialties of education on MSc degrees of Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute.
In accordance with the order of the State Inspectorate for Supervision of the quality of education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan issued in December 2016, TCTI received the State Accreditation Certificate for 5 years for compliance with the higher education institution and postgraduate education.
- The national ranking of the universities was first announced to the public in 2018. By the end of 2017, Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute holds the 15th position in the national ranking of universities in Uzbekistan.
- The scientific potential of TCTI consists of 46 % in 2019.
- In 2019: 22 study courses are taught in English languages, 51 students participate in academic exchange programs abroad, 89 teachers and researchers take part in conferences and workshops at leading foreign universities, 23 invited teachers give lectures to TCTI students.
- TCTI is cooperating with more than 72 higher educational institutions and scientific research centers from foreign countries. This cooperation is expanding day by day.
Our prestigious international partners: University of Cantabria, University of Oviedo (Spain), Copenhagen University (Denmark), University of Padova, University of Florence (Italy), Warsaw University of Technology, Krakow University of Science and Technology, Silesian University of Technology (Poland), University of Food Technology in Plovdiv, Sofia University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (Bulgaria), Czech University of Life Sciences (Czech Republic), Ulsan University, Kumox National Institute of Technology, Sogang University (South Korea), Institute of Biology and Automation of the Shandun Academy of Sciences, Tianjin University of Science and Technology (PRC), Aydin Adnan Menderes University (Turkey), Belarusian State University of Technology, Mogilev State Food University (Belarus), Russian Chemical-Technological University named after Mendeleev, St. Petersburg State Technical Institute, Kazan National Research Technological University, Ivanovo State Chemical Technology University, Kuban State Technical University, Rosatom Technical Academy, Tambov State Technical University (Russia), M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Kazakh State University of Technology and Business, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University, Pavlodar State Pedagogical University (Kazakhstan), Osh State University (Kyrgyz Republic) and others.
CONDITIONS AT THE TCTI for international students
- 6 educational buildings in Tashkent with 127 classrooms
- 2 student dormitories in Tashkent with capacity 500 and 6 student canteen complexes
- 4 sport complexes
- 10 computer rooms
- 45 educational laboratories and workshops
- 7 scientific laboratories and centers, 1 museum
- Bachelor degree — 3 621
- Master degree — 480
- Second specialization degree — 28
- Part-time students — 710
- Double Degree Bachelor students – 115
- Double Degree Master students – 21
- Number of international students —15
- Number of doctoral students — 114
32 Navoi Street, Tashkent 100011 Uzbekistan
Tel: +998-71-244-79-20
Fax : +998-71-244-79-17
Website: www.tkti.uz
e-mail: info@tcti.uz