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U.S. Department of State Alumni Outreach Grant Program:
The goals of the U.S.
Embassy’s Alumni Outreach Grants Program are to provide U.S. government
exchange program alumni with networking opportunities; to further...
Introducing Green Energy Curriculum in the Heart of Eurasia
Kazakhstan's economic engine has been powered by fossil fuels, and renewable energy resources remain untapped and underutilized. Through the Central Asia University...
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Creating Makerspaces for Young Inventors
Responding to the global COVID-19 pandemic, university-based makerspaces provide student-driven solutions for hospitals and companies. Through the Central Asia University Partnerships Program...
UniCEN Offers New Capacity Building Workshops for Central Asian Universities
First on April 27 and 28 in Tashkent and then on May 1 and 2 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, the U.S.-Central Asia University Partnerships Program...