“The project is of great importance in the direction of new academic and scientific exchanges at the level of professors and students in the...

U.S. – Kazakhstan University Partnerships Program awards announcement

American Councils for International Education announces the awardees of the latest round of U.S.-Kazakhstan University Partnerships Program (UniCEN) grants to support projects...

Maurice R. Greenberg World Fellows Program Internship in the USA

Deadline: December 2, 2020Venue: Yale University - New Haven, Connecticut USA The Maurice R. Greenberg World Fellows Program is...

Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute

The date of establishing and history: TPhI – Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute was established on 16 July in 1937...

Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA) Annual Conference

Washington, DC February 14-17, 2021  The Association of International Education Administrators 2021 Annual Conference is the only conference specifically for those leading...

Central Asia Language and Education Conference

Central Asia Language and Education Conference (CALE)Abstract submissions are invited to the inaugural Central Asia Language and Education Conference (CALE) to take...

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