Further reforms in the field of irrigation and mechanization of agriculture under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoev is giving their results. Particularly, the improvement of land reclamation, salinization, and salinization of certain regions of the country, taking into account the scope of tasks set by the Cabinet of Ministers № 182 of August 20, 2010, to train highly qualified specialists in this area and the establishment of the Bukhara branch of the Institute of Agricultural Mechanization Engineers development of this sector. Within a short period of time, BFIIIIMSH equated with the prestigious universities of the republic.
Of course, radically improving the quality of training of engineers with high education in agriculture and water resources, radically improving the quality of training, taking into account the demand of engineers, further strengthening the logistical and technical basis for irrigation and mechanization of agriculture. It is important to introduce modern high-tech pedagogical technologies. and the introduction of advanced information and communication technologies, advanced teaching methods, and the recent reforms in the field of irrigation and mechanization of agriculture, with potential teachers and specialists based on scientific and professional knowledge and practical experience. Currently, the branch has Russian, English and Korean language learning centers.
Successive reforms implemented under the auspices of the 1st President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov, in the field of agriculture and water supply give their high results today. Particularly, taking into account the increasing scope of land reclamation activities, as well as peculiarities of mineralization and salinization of agricultural lands in certain regions of the country, and in order to train highly qualified specialists in this important sector of the national economy, the Cabinet of Ministers’ Resolution 182 of 20 August 2010 on the Establishment of Tashkent institute of irrigation and agriculture mechanization engineers Bukhara branch made a significant contribution to the development of the industry.
Our prestigious international partners:
Halle Wetenberg University (Germany), University of Washington (Pullman, WA, USA), University named after KA Timiryazov Greater St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (Russia St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Petra Velikogo) St., Petersburg State Agrarian University Northwestern State University (Russia YuGO-Zapadnyi Gosudarstvenny University), Kursk State OOO “AdAstra” (Russia , Moscow), University of Zagreb (Croatia), GRADINA BORDO: Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences (AGROSUB Bordeaux France) , I.I. Kursk State Academy of Agriculture named after Ivanova (Russia), Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University (Belarusian ), Belarusian Academy of Agriculture (Belarusian), Holon Institute of Technology(Israel), “LABORA” GmbH Practice (Germany), Russian State University of Land Management (Russian) and others.
CONDITIONS AT THE (BBTIIAME) for international students
- 4 educational buildings 160 classrooms
- 3 student dormitories with capacity 1200 and 4 student canteen complexes
- 2 sport complexes
- 12 computer rooms
- 10 educational laboratories and workshops
- 6 scientific laboratories and centers 1 museums
Address: 200105, Bukhara city, Gazli shokh street, 32.
Contact information:
Rector’s office: +998-65-228-94-24
Fax number: +998-65-228-94-24
Website: http://tiiamebb.uz/ru/