On January 29-February 1, 2020 American Councils for International Education delivered a series of coaching workshops and networking sessions on the Central Asia University Partnerships Program (UniCEN) to strengthen the collaboration established between U.S. and Uzbek higher education institutions.
U.S. experts Susan Sutton (University of Indiana), Elise Ahn (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Maggie McDonald (University of Pittsburgh), Andrew Zimbroff (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) presented their knowledge and skills for Uzbekistan university international administrators to adapt administrative policies, practices, and structure, increase student exchange with U.S. higher education, increase faculty collaborations and partnerships that lead to economic impact and workforce development, adapt pedagogy and curriculum for improved student outcomes.
On January 29, 2020 the Head Scientific and Methodological Center for Professional Development of Academic and Executive Staff in Higher Education under the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan hosted a seminar led by the U.S. experts from on the fundamentals of U.S. higher education system to support the ongoing reform agenda. Speakers discussed topics and trends in the U.S. higher education system: governance and administration, curriculum development, finance and research, innovation, and technology commercialization.

On January 30-31, 2020 American Councils delivered a training on best practices in internationalization and partnerships to 14 Uzbek higher education institutions in Tashkent. During the workshop, participants gained perspectives on U.S. internationalization, effective communication to U.S. administrators, case studies of faculty-led partnerships, student mobility trends, and curriculum development. Participants developed draft action plans to present to prospective U.S. partners and deepened networks with their colleagues from Uzbekistan. Uzbek universities discussed the prospects of raising their profiles globally and to strategically develop long-term partnerships with U.S. universities.

On February 1, 2020 nine Uzbek institutions whose U.S. university partners received UniCEN seed grants participated in coaching sessions to prepare them for upcoming partnership projects. U.S. Ambassador to Uzbekistan Daniel Rosenblum delivered welcoming remarks in support of higher education partnerships and reform. Moreover, U.S. experts shared case studies of the best practices in ensuring good communications and partnerships grants, as well as curriculum development and international funding resources.