Internationalization and International Partnerships

Internationalization Planning Guide (Tajik) / Дастурамал оиди банақшагирии байналмилаликунонӣ

Internationalization Planning Guide / Дастурамал оиди банақшагирии байналмилаликунонӣDownload Имрӯз, ба донишҷӯёни донишгоҳҳо, пас аз хатми таҳсил, барои...

Introduction to US Higher Education (Tajik) / Шиносшавӣ бо Системаи Таҳсилоти Олии ИМА

Introduction to U.S. Higher Education / Шиносшавӣ бо Системаи Таҳсилоти Олии ИМА Download Шиносшавӣ бо Системаи Таҳсилоти Олии...

Virtual Conference: International Education after COVID-19

On May 28, American Councils for International Education in collaboration with the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino...

UniCEN webinar: Great Marketing and Communications for Successful Internationalization

On June 4th, 2020, American Councils for international education hosted a webinar on topic "Great Marketing and Communications for Successful Internationalization" with...

Introduction to U.S. Higher Education

In this guide, learn about the framework of U.S. Higher Education, including:

How Kazakhstan Universities Can Engage with American Universities Richard Boyum, University Partnerships Coordinator at State Department, chats with the U.S. Embassy in Nur-Sultan about...

How To Get The Most Out Of International Conferences Richard Boyum, University Partnerships Coordinator, shares his views on how to make pre-conference decisions and what...

Collaborative Online International Learning: Introduction

An introduction to the COIL model as pedagogy and strategy.

Extension Model at University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Extension model at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Download

Technology transfer & International Collaboration Presenter:  Adrian Erlinger, Program Manager for innovation and capacity building programs at...