Central Asia Language and Education Conference (CALE)
Abstract submissions are invited to the inaugural Central Asia Language and Education Conference (CALE) to take place at KIMEP University in Almaty, Kazakhstan, on May 14-15, 2020. This conference welcomes researchers working on language education, sociolinguistics, linguistics, second language acquisition, TESOL, and related disciplines. Although the conference overall has a special interest in how issues of language and language education play out in Central Asia, papers do not need to be related to Central Asia, and researchers do not need to be based in the region.

The working languages of the conference will be English, Kazakh, and Russian. Plenary talks will be held in English, but abstracts may be submitted in any of the three working languages.
- Abstract topics may include:
- Language teaching, applied linguistics
- Language acquisition
- Sociolinguistics
- Formal linguistics
- Education and language policy
- Language and literacy
- Teaching literature and culture
- Translation studies
Plenary speakers:
Umberto Ansaldo, University of Sydney
Lisa Lim, University of Sydney
Mukul Saxena, Nazarbayev University
Please visit the conference web site for more details:
Conference e-mail: cale2020@kimep.kz
Conference Co-Chairs: Dr. Juldyz Smagulova, Dr. Kara Fleming
Conference Venue: KIMEP University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Closing date for abstract submissions: February 20, 2020