Free resources for university professors by Coursera

The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan provided FREE EDUCATION to 150,000 professors and students of higher and secondary special education in 3,800 types of training courses in 430 directions of the world’s leading higher education institutions and organizations on the Coursera platform.

Training in most courses and specialties typically costs $ 39-79 per month on a subscription basis. Online courses are conducted in English or Russian.

According to the Ministry’s experts, currently, according to the request of 46 universities, university profiles have been opened on the Coursera platform.

Through the link in the application, professors and students can register on this platform until September 31 and have access to FREE courses until December 31.

To take these courses, students are required to have at least a B1 level of English or Russian.

University professors and students can register and use the courses free of charge by following the link (a separate link is provided for each university): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lAuB4q_ZzQhWJBR0Voo9EhGu6sFCzepOvJOaYM-EecM/edit#gid=0

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